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Help Center Master Accounts
Adding Account Users

1From your WhatConverts Dashboard, click "Master Account" from the left side menu. Click "Users".

Select Users in the WhatConverts Dashboard

2Under Users on the left menu, select "Account Users".

3Click "Add Account User". On the next page, enter the email address of the user you want to add. Click "Next Step". Select the Account(s) and the Role for the user. Use the checkboxes to determine what Lead Notification Emails you would like them to receive. Click "Finish".

Adding Account User Notifications

The new user will get an email with activation instructions. Once the user has created a new password, they will be able to access the account(s).

An account user can only access the account they are assigned to. If you would like to add a user that has admin access to all the accounts under your Master Account please visit How to Add a Master Account User.

Add an Account User

1From your WhatConverts Dashboard, click "Master Account". Select "Settings" and "Users".

Add Account User

2Scroll below Master Account Users and click "+ Add Account User".

Add account user

3Add the user's email address. From the drop-down menu, select the account you want to grant access to (if you would like to grant access to multiple accounts, click the "+" button) and check all of the boxes you would like the users to receive notifications for.

Add an Account Users and Select the Account

Click "Add User". The new user will get an email with activation instructions. Once the user has created a new password, they will be able to access the account(s).

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